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We know during this time there are a lot of unknown factors, we also know that there are unplanned and unfortunate things that can happen to one’s home that require immediate attention and repair.

We at Sterling Building Contractors ensure that every one of our employees and subcontractors are taking the correct COVID-19 precautions and adhering to strict protocol at every job site so we can not only help you get your life and your home back together, but we can ensure your safety.

Here is what we are doing at every job site:

Establish a daily screening protocol for arriving staff to ensure that potentially infected staff do not enter the construction site.

  • If workers leave the job site and return the same day, establish a cleaning and decontamination protocol prior to entry and exit of the job site.

  • Post the daily screening protocol at all entrances and exits to the job site.

Practice social distancing by maintaining a minimum six-foot distance between workers at all times, except when strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the construction project.

Where construction work occurs within an occupied residential unit, separate work areas must be sealed off from the remainder of the unit with physical barriers such as plastic sheeting or closed doors sealed with tape to the extent feasible.

  • If possible, workers must access the work area from an alternative entry/exit door to the entry/exit door used by residents.

  • Available windows and exhaust fans must be used to ventilate the work area.

  • If residents have access to the work area between workdays, the work area must be cleaned and sanitized at the beginning and at the end of workdays.

  • Every effort must be taken to minimize contact between workers and residents, including maintaining a minimum of six feet of social distancing at all times.

Prohibit gatherings of any size on the job site, including gatherings for breaks or eating, except for meetings regarding compliance with this protocol or as strictly necessary to carry out a task associated with the construction project.

We provide water in single-serve containers.

  • Sharing of any of any food or beverage is strictly prohibited and if sharing is observed, the worker must be sent home for the day.

  • Use of microwaves, water coolers, and other similar shared equipment is prohibited.

We provide personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically for use in construction, including

  • gloves

  • goggles

  • face shields

  • face coverings

We minimize interactions and maintain social distancing with all site visitors, including delivery workers, design professionals and other project consultants, government agency representatives, including building and fire inspectors, and residents at residential construction sites.



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Contractor's License #781281


Sterling General Construction

PO Box 5885

San Jose, California 95151

Specialists in Emergency Home Repairs


© 2021 Sterling General Construction. All Rights Reserved.

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