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ADU Flexibility: Rent, Sell, or Live – The Choice is Yours

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have always been a flexible and valuable addition to residential properties. However, new regulations are opening up even more opportunities for homeowners, providing options that were previously unavailable or unclear. Now, ADUs can be sold independently from the main property, rented out while the homeowner lives in the primary residence, or even rented out while the homeowner lives in the ADU itself. This level of flexibility presents both exciting opportunities and potential challenges for homeowners.

What the New Regulations Mean for Homeowners

The new regulations around ADUs represent a significant shift in how these units can be utilized. In the past, ADUs were typically tied to the main property, meaning they couldn’t be sold separately. Homeowners often used them to house family members or as rental units to generate additional income. Now, with the ability to sell ADUs independently, homeowners have a powerful new tool in their real estate arsenal.

This change is particularly beneficial for homeowners looking to downsize without leaving their property entirely. By moving into the ADU and selling the main property, they can remain in their familiar surroundings while benefiting financially. Conversely, selling the ADU allows them to unlock additional value from their property without making significant lifestyle changes.

Renting vs. Selling: Making the Right Choice

One of the most significant decisions homeowners now face is whether to rent out their ADU, sell it, or even live in it themselves while renting out the main property. Each option has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on individual circumstances, financial goals, and long-term plans.

  1. Renting the ADU While Living in the Main Property:

    • Pros: This option allows homeowners to generate consistent rental income while maintaining their current living situation. It’s an excellent way to maximize property value without disrupting daily life.

    • Cons: Managing a rental property, even one on-site, can be time-consuming and requires dealing with tenants, maintenance, and potential vacancies. Homeowners must also consider local rental laws and regulations.

    • Ideal For: Homeowners who are comfortable managing a rental property and prefer the stability of remaining in their current home.

  2. Living in the ADU While Renting the Main Property:

    • Pros: Downsizing to the ADU can significantly reduce living expenses, while renting out the main property generates substantial income. This strategy can be particularly effective for empty nesters or retirees looking to simplify their lives.

    • Cons: Moving into a smaller space may require adjustments, and renting out the primary residence may come with its own set of challenges, such as tenant management and property maintenance.

    • Ideal For: Homeowners looking to downsize, reduce living expenses, or stay on their property while maximizing rental income.

  3. Renting Both the ADU and Main Property Separately:

    • Pros: This option can potentially generate the highest income, as both properties are rented out independently. It’s a strong strategy for those looking to maximize financial returns from their property.

    • Cons: Managing two rental properties can be demanding, and homeowners may need to live elsewhere, which could increase their own living costs.

    • Ideal For: Homeowners primarily focused on generating rental income who are willing to take on the responsibility of managing multiple properties.

  4. Selling the ADU:

    • Pros: Selling the ADU provides a lump sum of cash that can be used for various purposes, such as paying off debt, investing, or funding other projects. It also removes the responsibility of managing a rental property.

    • Cons: Once sold, the ADU is no longer an income-generating asset, and the property’s total value may decrease. There may also be legal and logistical challenges involved in separating the ADU from the main property.

    • Ideal For: Homeowners looking for immediate financial gain or those who want to simplify their property portfolio.

Addressing Common Pain Points

As exciting as these new opportunities are, they come with their own set of challenges and considerations. Homeowners may feel overwhelmed by the choices available or unsure about the financial implications of each option. Here’s how to navigate some of the most common concerns:

  1. Financial Uncertainty:

    • Solution: Consult with a financial advisor or real estate expert to understand the potential returns and risks associated with each option. At Sterling Construction, we offer free estimates and consultations to help you assess the value of building an ADU or upgrading your current one.

  2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

    • Solution: Ensure that all plans comply with local zoning laws and building codes. Sterling Construction specializes in ADU builds and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your project meets all regulatory requirements.

  3. Property Management Challenges:

    • Solution: If managing rental properties feels daunting, consider hiring a property management company. Alternatively, if you’re planning to live in one unit and rent out the other, start by renting to a trusted tenant, such as a friend or family member, to ease into the landlord role.

  4. Market Volatility:

    • Solution: Keep an eye on the local real estate market. Selling or renting out your ADU may be more profitable during certain market conditions. Our team at Sterling Construction stays updated on market trends and can help you make informed decisions about your property.

Building an ADU: Is It Worth the Investment?

With all these new opportunities on the table, you might be wondering whether building an ADU is worth the investment. The answer largely depends on your financial goals, property size, and local market conditions. However, in many cases, adding an ADU can significantly increase your property’s value and provide a steady income stream.

At Sterling Construction, we’ve seen firsthand how ADUs can transform a property. Whether you’re looking to create a space for aging parents, generate rental income, or increase your property’s resale value, our expert team is here to help. We offer comprehensive ADU construction services, from design to completion, ensuring that your new unit is built to the highest standards.


The new regulations surrounding ADUs offer homeowners unprecedented flexibility and opportunities to maximize their property’s value. Whether you choose to rent, sell, or live in your ADU, careful planning and expert guidance can help you make the most of these new possibilities.

Sterling Construction is committed to helping homeowners navigate these exciting changes with confidence. If you’re considering building an ADU or exploring your options with an existing one, contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you achieve your property goals.


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